
Chiang Mai University Library

สำนักหอสมุด มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ เป็นหน่วยงานสนับสนุนบริการวิชาการ ทำหน้าที่ให้บริการ จัดหา รวบรวม อนุรักษ์และบำรุงรักษา และเผยแพร่หนังสือ วารสาร หนังสือพิมพ์ โสตทัศนวัสดุอุปกรณ์ ตลอดจนหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ และฐานข้อมูลอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ที่สอดคล้องกับหลักสูตรการเรียนการสอน และการค้นคว้าวิจัยของมหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


         Receive donations of information resources consistent with the teaching and learning curriculum of Chiang Mai University from agencies, organizations, associations, and individuals both within the country and abroad. That is not for general sale can't buy Limited production Accepting donations of information resources that are unconditional for release.


        The database of certificates for the graduation ceremony It is a database that collects the credentials of the graduation ceremony of Chiang Mai University from the 1st time to the present. The certificates 1st - 48th time has been converted from the original document into a PDF file. Interested parties can read it through the website. And the 49th birth certificate to date. Interested persons can download and search for the person's name receiving the degree certificate.

CMU e-Theses

        Thesis and independent research database of Chiang Mai University from ํA.D. 1976 to present. By converting the thesis into a fully digital document, Users can download the full paper through Chiang Mai University's Internet network. In 2013, CMU Library developed a channel to access thesis databases and independent research electronically via Smart Devices by downloading the CMU E-Theses on devices for the convenience of accessing information.

Guide to Getting International Published service

        Recommend journals for the publication of academic works nationally and internationally by searching for information from the Web of Science, Scopus, and various databases or by Searching TCI (if national journals are needed). Users will receive a list of 5 recommended journals with Impact Factor, CiteScore, Quality, or Tier (if national journals are required) for information in deciding to publish their subsequent academic work. Users can submit requests through the website and wait to receive information via email within one week.

Inter-library loan service

1. Full electronic academic document sourcing service unavailable in Chiang Mai University from a network of libraries in foreign countries worldwide using the OCLC browsing platform. You can request to get the documents at Single Search: WorldCat on the library website. CMU Library will support expenses for all students, teachers, researchers, and staff of Chiang Mai University.
The Terms of service are as follows;
1) Providing services only for documents of the type Article/Chapter in unlimited electronic files.
2) Able to borrow books from a library cooperating in Thailand free of charge is the Thammasat University Library.
3) It does not cover borrowing Print Book/e-Book from overseas libraries. (charges)
Contact for more information at cmuworldshare@gmail.com

2. Interlibrary Loan Service of higher education institutions in Thailand or (ILL).

        There is a service for the case that there is no required book or journal in the Chiang Mai University Library; who would to pleased for the library to borrow or copy documents from other libraries in Thailand by postal delivery. Alternatively, members can travel to borrow - return by themselves from the libraries in the cooperation network. The information resources provided include books, textbooks, research papers, theses, and articles in journals or books. The user must pay for the service according to the conditions of each institution. Contact to request service at the borrowing-return counter, 1st floor.

Library Membership Service

Library Subscription, Chiang Mai University Library has subscribed for Library members. Classified as follows: For teachers, researchers, outsiders, and alumni.

Research Support Service

The services for considering academic publications. Librarian service meets researchers and service of recommends journals for the publication of international academic works.

        The CMUL Digital Heritage Collection database is a learning center on local wisdom. History, religion, and culture From more than 800 valuable heritage documents displayed in full-text papers, including folds, palm leaves, and koi books, all of which have been standardized in information resource management. To disseminate the knowledge of the historical heritage documents for the masses of humankind to study extensively through the website

Answering and Assist Searching service

Assistance Searching and support Research service, Journal Selector Service, and Enhance Learning service