
Chiang Mai University Business School

คณะบริหารธุรกิจแห่งความภาคภูมิใจ เรามุ่งมั่นที่จะผลิตบัณฑิตผู้เปี่ยมด้วยคุณธรรมและจิตสำนึกต่อสังคม และสร้างองค์ความรู้ที่นำไปปฏิบัติได้ ตลอดจนเป็นผู้ชี้แนวทางสู่ความเป็นเลิศทางการบริหารธุรกิจต่อธุรกิจและสังคม


SET Investment Center

SET Investment Center is launched under the support of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) with the aim to provide simulation-based trainings on stock, equity instrument, bond and derivative trades to those who are interested in. Through the TSI Investment Simulation Program, the center will coach the participants to understand steps of sending buying and selling orders and trade-in and-out processing procedures. In addition, the center is ready to serve the interested people with financial and investment programs such as @RISK, S-Plus, Rats, Crystal Ball, Decision Pro, Gauss, Value Source, and etc. As the Stock Market Information Center (SMIC) in the upper North region, the center is fully equipped with wide range of information on fundamentally based indexes of registered companies, index SET, and other financial information. For more information, please visit.

Management Innovation Center: MIC

Management Innovation Center: MIC is under the supervision of the Faculty of Business Administration. The center has striven to be the center of knowledge on business and organizational management innovation. In collaborations with its broad academic network, the center has supported government and private sectors as well as communities in the northern provincial cluster and the Mekong sub-region by conducting researches, offering educational administrations, organizing trainings, developing human resource and constructing new bodies of knowledge with the aim to strengthen economic and social development in the northern region.Management Innovation Center: MIC