International College of Digital Innovation at Chiang Mai University, under the leadership of Assistant Professor Dr. Rujira Ooncharoen, Dean, warmly welcomed a delegation from Guangxi City Vocational University (GXCVU) from the People's Republic of China

4 June 2024

International College of Digital Innovation

International College of Digital Innovation at Chiang Mai University, under the leadership of Assistant Professor Dr. Rujira Ooncharoen, Dean, warmly welcomed a delegation from Guangxi City Vocational University (GXCVU) from the People's Republic of China. The visit aimed to engage in discussions regarding potential academic collaborations, such as teacher enhancement programs, short-term study tours, and medium to long-term exchange study programs. The delegation from GXCVU, consisting of three members, including Ms. Liu Fengjiao, a member of the Professional and Technical Committee and Dean of Continuing Education College, Mr. Wang Qi, a Professor at the Management College, and Ms. Li Xuemei, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Department at the Continuing Education College, actively participated in these discussions at the International College of Digital Innovation Building on Saturday, June 1, 2024.