Discussion on Franco-Thai Fellowship and Mobility Programmes & guidance session on studying in France

11 September 2023

Corporate Communication and Alumni Relations Center (CCARC)

Assistant Professor Todsaporn Pichaiya, Vice President, Assistant Professor Dr. Choncharoen Sawangrat and Assistant Professor Dr. Worakanya Buranaphatthana, Assistants to the President, and executives welcomed Dr. Xavier Grosmaitre, Attach? for Scientific and Higher Education Cooperation and delegation on their visit to discuss the Franco-Thai Fellowship and Mobility Programmes and the preparation for a visit by Madame Sylvie Retailleau, French Minister of Higher Education and Research, as well as to hold a guidance session on studying in France for CMU students at Executive Meeting Room 2 and Phraya Srivisanvacha Room on September 11, 2023.