NurseCMU Announcement on the Policy of Not Accepting Any Kind of Presents and Gifts from Performing Duties (No Gift Policy) Fiscal Year B.E. 2568 (2025)

5 March 2025

Faculty of Nursing

Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University Announcement
on the Policy of Not Accepting Any Kind of Presents and Gifts from Performing Duties (No Gift Policy) Fiscal Year B.E. 2568 (2025)
The Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University recognizes the importance of strengthening and driving morality, ethics and honesty in the performance of duties in accordance with the Cabinet Resolution on December 8, 2020 which has approved the National Reform Plan for the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption and Misconduct (Revision) by specifying the important reform activities, Activity 4: Develop the Thai Bureaucracy to be transparent and non-beneficial, Goal 1 Section 1.1: Requires all government agencies to declare that all government officials do not accept all kinds of presents and gifts from performing duties (No Gift Policy) to promote culture and honest values in working with morality, ethics and without conflict of interest.
Therefore, to drive for transparency with personnel operations align with the principle of Good Governance, the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University declares the "Policy of Not Accepting Any Kind of Presents and Gifts from Performing Duties (No Gift Policy)" and announces its intention to be the organization where executives, faculty members and personnel do not accept all kinds of presents and gifts from performing duties. The executives and personnel of the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University strictly do not receive presents and gifts of any kinds before, during and after performing duties to avoid actions that may affect judgement or decision, which leads to discrimination, causing conflicting benefits or resulting in corruption and misconduct both now and in the future in order to create a culture of honesty, cultivate and raise awareness of transparency as well as good attitude and values in performing duties.
In case, where it is necessary to give or accept presents and gifts or any other benefits according to morality or tradition, all must comply with the Regulations of the Office of the Prime Minister regarding Giving or Receiving Gifts of Government Officials B.E. 2565 (2022) and the Announcement of the National Anti-Corruption Commission on the Criteria of Giving or Accepting presents and gifts or any other benefits according to the Morality of Government Officials B.E. 2563 (2020). If you wish to express congratulations or best wishes, it should be done by signing blessing cards or using social media instead.
Announced on February 28, 2025 and shall be observed accordingly.
Assistant Professor Dr. Suparat Wangsrikhun
Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
