Welcoming Executives from General Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army and Peking Union Medical College Hospital

10 January 2020

Corporate Communication and Alumni Relations Center (CCARC)

CMU’s President Clinical Professor Niwes Nantachit, M.D accompanied with executives welcomed Professor Hui-zu HOU, Chief of elderly Care Center, and Dr.
Guo-gang XU, Director of Administration Officer of NCRC – GD, The
Second Medical Center for Geriatric Diseases (NCRC-GD), the General Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (Medical School of Chinese PLA) and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China, during their visit to Chiang Mai
University for academic discussions on 10th January, 2020.

As part of the welcoming party executives from the Faculty of Medicine were present and was led by the Dean, Professor Bannakit Lojanapiwat.