The administrative team of the International College of Digital Innovation at Chiang Mai University embarked on a journey to Yunnan Vocational Institute of Energy Technology in Qujing, People's Republic of China.

23 August 2023

International College of Digital Innovation

On Saturday, August 19, 2023, the administrative team of the International College of Digital Innovation at Chiang Mai University, led by the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Rujiira Ouncharoen, Assistant Professor Dr. Benjamas Suksatit, and Lecturer Dr. Peangor Laohavilai, embarked on a journey to Yunnan Vocational Institute of Energy Technology in Qujing, People's Republic of China. The purpose of this visit was to explore various fields including modern logistics management, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic engineering training rooms, photovoltaic engineering, numerical control, and intelligent manufacturing. Yunnan Vocational Institute of Energy Technology stands as the sole educational institution in Yunnan Province that offers instruction in the realm of alternative energy. The institute has established teaching in eight faculties, encompassing 51 fields of study, with a total student enrollment of 15,136 individuals as of October 2022. The institute's focus lies in imparting knowledge to students regarding the development of alternative technologies for industrial applications.