The International College of Digital Innovation, Chiang Mai University, is organizing a Merit-Making Ceremony to Commemorate the College’s Establishment Anniversary in 2024.

26 August 2024

International College of Digital Innovation

   The International College of Digital Innovation, Chiang Mai University, has scheduled the annual merit-making ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of its establishment for the year 2024. The event take place on Monday, August 26, 2024, at the International College of Digital Innovation building, Chiang Mai University. The ceremony aims to bring prosperity, foster unity and harmony among staff, boost morale, and encourage collaboration. It also seeks to promote participation in activities that enhance the College's image and contribute to the preservation of Thai culture.

   The event will be led by Assistant Professor Dr. Rujira Ouncharoen, Dean of the International College of Digital Innovation, along with the college’s executives, faculty members, and staff. The ceremony begin at 8:00 AM with a worship ritual at the spirit house of the College. At 9:09 AM, a religious ceremony will be held, including Buddhist rites, a sermon delivered by the presiding monk, offering of donations, and the serving of a meal to the monks. The event will conclude with a shared meal at 12:00 PM.