Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University, visited and collaborated with the Department of Architecture, Tunghai University in Taichung, Taiwan.

1 March 2023

Faculty of Architecture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rattapong Angkasith, Deputy Dean, along with the faculty administrators and heads of department, were welcomed by Assoc. Prof. Wei Tseng, Chairman of the Department of Architecture, and toured the university's design laboratory and surrounding landscape on March 1, 2023.
This activity is carried out under the educational fieldtrip to enhance the management efficiency of the Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University's administrators. The aim is to apply successful case studies and ideas from educational institutions abroad to formulate policies, strategies, and plans to elevate the department's global standards. Additionally, the visit aims to develop working ideas, enhance the experience of administrators and staff, and build networks for academic collaboration with international institutions.