SCB PCL Scholarship Presentation
28 September 2023
Corporate Communication and Alumni Relations Center (CCARC)
On September 28, 2023, at the Office of the University’s M.L. Pin Malakul Room, Dr. Chirawath Phatsara, Assistant to the President, welcomed representatives from Siam Commercial Bank PCL – Mr. Waranyu Khokphoon, Director of the Chiang Mai Area, Ms. Suprinya Waranang, Manager of the CMU branch, and Mr. Seksan Praditchai, Head of Banking of the CMU branch – who came to present two SCB scholarships worth 10,000 baht each to two CMU students. The recipients were Mr. Phongphak Pingkaew, a fourth-year student from the Faculty of Humanities, and Ms. Worasita Konglom, a fourth-year student from the Faculty of Agriculture.