International College of Digital Innovation, Chiang Mai University had the honor of welcoming a distinguished from the People's Republic of China.

26 August 2024

International College of Digital Innovation

   On Thursday, August 22, 2024, the International College of Digital Innovation at Chiang Mai University, under the leadership of Assistant Professor Dr. Rujira Ouncharoen, Dean, along with the college's executives and faculty members, had the honor of welcoming a distinguished delegation from the People's Republic of China. The delegation included Professor Xie Jiafang and Professor Sun Qing from the Department of Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Ms. Su Yanping, Chairman of Qingxi Bookstore in Yuxi City, and Ms. Li Xianyou, Chairman of Yunnan Gaofen Education Group Co., Ltd.
   The visit, which took place at the ICB1313 Meeting Room within the International College of Digital Innovation Building, centered around discussions on potential academic collaborations and strategies to promote the college's programs, as well as those of Chiang Mai University, to students in China.