The International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI), Chiang Mai University Organizes Activities to Promote Ethical, Transparent, and Anti-Corruption Practices

5 September 2024

International College of Digital Innovation

   On September 4, 2024, at the International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI), Associate Professor Dr. Somchai Sriyab, the Deputy Dean of ICDI, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a welcome speech at a knowledge-sharing event on the topic of “Transparency and Anti-Corruption Practices.” The event featured Mr. Putthakrit Wanitsumpan, Secretary of the Task Force for Moral and Transparency Promotion in the Operations of Chiang Mai University, as the keynote speaker.

   The objective of this activity was to raise awareness and provide participants with a deeper understanding of ethical and transparent practices in the workplace. It also aimed to foster an organizational culture rooted in morality and transparency, while actively combating corruption at all levels. The event included lectures and the creation of media to drive forward the principles of ethics, transparency, and anti-corruption in various topics such as (1) Do's and Don’ts, (2) Conflict of Interest, (3) No Gift Policy, and (4) e-Service. The event was attended by 30 executives and staff members.
