The Dean and Staff of the International College of Digital Innovation Chiang Mai University Participate in the 8th NUS-ISM-ZIB-IIR-MODAL Workshop on Next Generation Computing and Algorithms in the Digital Era in Singapore

24 August 2024

International College of Digital Innovation

   From August 12 to 16, 2024, Assistant Professor Dr. Rujira Ouncharoen, Dean of the International College of Digital Innovation, and Assistant Professor Dr. Thacha Lawanna, Head of the Digital Innovation Department, attended the 8th NUS-ISM-ZIB-IIR-MODAL Workshop: Next Generation Computing and Algorithms in the Digital Era at the National University of Singapore.

   During the event, Assistant Professor Dr. Rujira Ouncharoen was honored to present a lecture on "Enhancing Financial Data Management Efficiency: Case-Based Reasoning Approach," focusing on improving financial data management efficiency using the Case-Based Reasoning method. Meanwhile, Assistant Professor Dr. Thacha Lawanna delivered a presentation titled "Cybersecurity Threats in Fintech: Utilizing Case-Based Reasoning to Mitigate Risks and Enhance Security Measures," which discussed how Case-Based Reasoning can be used to address cybersecurity threats in financial technology and enhance security measures.
