Kagawa University Alumni Reunion 2024 in Chiang Mai: Celebrating Enduring Bonds

29 August 2024

International College of Digital Innovation

   Chiang Mai, Thailand – The Kagawa University Alumni Reunion 2024, held on August 26, 2024, in the picturesque city of Chiang Mai, was a heartwarming gathering that brought together Thai alumni to celebrate the lasting connections formed during their time at the university. Hosted at Kantary Hills Hotel, the event featured heartfelt speeches, nostalgic reflections, and joyful reunions.

   Key figures from Kagawa University, including President Professor UEDA Natsuo, and Mr. HIGUCHI Keiichi, Consul General of Japan in Chiang Mai, graced the event with their presence. A major highlight was the celebration of the long-standing partnership between Kagawa University and Chiang Mai University, which has fostered numerous academic exchanges and joint projects over the past three decades.
   The International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI) at Chiang Mai University was honored to be a key partner in organizing this prestigious event. Led by Assistant Professor Dr. Benjamas Suksatit, Vice Dean of ICDI, the college played a crucial role in ensuring the reunion’s success, reinforcing the strong ties between the two institutions.

   The evening concluded with a commemorative gift presentation and closing remarks, highlighting the importance of maintaining the bonds forged during university years. The Kagawa University Alumni Reunion 2024 was not only a celebration of the past but also a forward-looking event, strengthening the ties between alumni and their alma mater.