22 September 2021

Chiang Mai University Library

Library service area in open and closed state During the COVID-19 situation (as of September 14, 2021)
by requesting a book borrowing service through online channels as follows:

1. Library (Central Library) Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/xRXRg
2. Faculty of Agriculture Library Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/y3Yzz
3. Library of the Faculty of Dentistry Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/AXSoU
4. Library of the Faculty of Medical Technology Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/AMSBook
5. Faculty of Business Administration Library, inbox at https://www.facebook.com/AccBA-Library-CMU-129876317041562/
6. Faculty of Nursing Library Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/5uGyF
7. Faculty of Medicine Library Fill out the form at bit.ly/2yGsCJx
8. Library of the Faculty of Pharmacy Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/vESYp
9. Faculty of Humanities Library, inbox at facebook.com/humanlibcmu.fanpage
10. Faculty of Fine Arts Library Fill out the form at bit.ly/fineartslib
11. Faculty of Science Library, inbox at Facebook http://m.me/scilibcmu
12. Faculty of Engineering Library, inbox at facebook.com/cmuengineeringlibrary
13. Faculty of Education Library at https://cmu.to/LMB8t

Open as usual, only Monday - Friday from 8.30 - 16.30
Closed Saturday - Sunday and public holidays

14. Faculty of Economics Library, inbox at facebook.com/econlibcmu
15. Library of Faculty of Architecture, inbox at facebook.com/FacmuLibrary
16. Faculty of Social Sciences Library, inbox at facebook.com/socialscienceslibcmu
17. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Library Fill out the form at forms.gle/oaJJWysL8zoofK9MA
18. Faculty of Agro-Industry Library Fill out the form at https://cmu.to/JXC9Z

For inquiries, Service and Learning Promotion Department, Library Office Tel. 0 5394 4553, 0 5394 4512
