Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University (FVM/CMU) is a veterinary college in the Northern part of Thailand which exhibits about one-fourth of the livestock population in Thailand. The FVM was founded officially on August 2, 1994 which is becoming the fourteenth Faculty of Chiang Mai University in the Health Science Group of Faculties.

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Mae On Animal Hospital

The Veterinary Diagnostic Center (VDC), Chiang Mai University Animal Hospital has been established since 1999 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University. The aims of the center are providing the animal health services for veterinarians, farm owners, and pet owners not only in the Northern region of Thailand, but also international level. The VDC supports the various diagnosis tests of animal diseases, focusing on the accurate result and rapid test together with convenient services, benefit to animal health and customers. The center also offers laboratory services in survey, investigate, and diagnosis of the emerging infectious diseases that affecting on both animals and humans. Moreover, the VDC supports a veterinary students, researchers, lecturers, and staffs of faculty as a source of knowledge and diagnosis services. The veterinary diagnostic center composes of 12 laboratory units as following

Mae On Animal Hospital , Mae On, Chiang Mai

Website: https://moah.vet.cmu.ac.th/

Phone: 053-037071

Mobile: 081-8846119

ServiceHours/Days : Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Emergency: 24 Hrs.

Center of Veterinary Medical Diagnostic and Animal Health Innovation, CMU

Center of Veterinary Medical Diagnostic and Animal Health Innovation Chiang Mai University Animal Hospital has been established since 1999 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University. The aims of the center are providing the animal health services for veterinarians, farm owners, and pet owners not only in the Northern region of Thailand, but also international level. The VDC supports the various diagnosis tests of animal diseases, focusing on the accurate result and rapid test together with convenient services, benefit to animal health and customers. The center also offers laboratory services in survey, investigate, and diagnosis of the emerging infectious diseases that affecting on both animals and humans. Moreover, the VDC supports a veterinary students, researchers, lecturers, and staffs of faculty as a source of knowledge and diagnosis services. The veterinary diagnostic center composes of 12 laboratory units as following

Contact us :
Address: Center of Veterinary Medical Diagnostic and Animal Health Innovation  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Mae Hia, Muang, Chiang Mai, 50100, THAILAND

Website: https://vmdh.vet.cmu.ac.th/

Telephone number: +66 5394 8041, +66 94636 2641 Fax: +66 5394 8041

E-mail: vet_diag@cmu.ac.th
Line ID: vet_diag
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VMDH.CMU


LargelAnimal Hospital, CMU

The Large Animal Hospital offers general consultation related to the horse’s health, diagnosis and treatment of internal medical problems, surgery, and diagnostic radiology.

Location/ Service

Contact us :
Located at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chonlaprathan Road, Maehia, Muang, Chiang Mai 50100

Website: https://lahcmu.vet.cmu.ac.th/

Days & Hours :
Monday – Friday: 08.30 - 16.30 hrs.
Emergency- 24 hours (Call 081-783-0611)

Phone: 0-5394 8038 , 0-53948041
Mobile: 081-783-0611


SmallAnimalHospital, CMU


Animal Health Service Center is an autonomous organization under the management of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University. It was approved by Chiang Mai University Council to be established in accordance with Chiang Mai University regulations on 16 November 1999 with independent from bureaucratic system and operate flexibly. “Animal Health Service Center” was changed to “Chiang Mai University Animal Hospital-CMUAH” in 2020. CMUAH comprises of Small Animal Hospital, Large Animal Hospital, Mae On Animal Hospital and Veterinary Diagnostic and Laboratory Center.

Vision :

• Providing animal health care services and be a best quality support source with advanced technologies for teaching, learning and

Website: https://sahcmu.vet.cmu.ac.th/

Daytime Hours

Registration: 08:00 – 20:00 hrs.
Service Hours: 09:00 – 21:00 hrs.

Service Hours: 20.00 - 08.00 hrs.
(Mon – Sun/ No Public Holidays)


Center of Elephant and Wildlife Health

Center of Elephant and Wildlife Health

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University
The Asian elepant (Elephas maximus) is the only extant species in genus Elephas (Elephantidae) and is distinct to the two species of African elephant (Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis). Of this three species of elephant, the conservation of the Asian elephant is of most concern and it is listed as ‘endangered’ on the IUCN (2008) which mean this animal has a very high risk of extinction in the wild.

The estimated Asian elehant population over the world in the wild is 38,500-52,500 individuals and another 25,000 elephants are kept in captivity (Sukumar 2006). In Thailand, by 1965 the Department of Livestock Development reported there were only 11,192 domestic elephants and decreased to 3,456 in 2007. The wild populations are also estimated to be 2,000. At the current rate of population reduction, the number of elephants in Thailand may reach critically low numbers in only a few decades and not be self-sustainable in the future.

Elephant Research and Education Center (EREC) is a project constructed by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, has been strating since October 2010. EREC aim to conserve the Asian elephant as well as the elephant-related culture by conducting the research and providing relevent informations to others.

Contact Information

Center of Elephant and Wildlife Research

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University Mae Hia, Muang Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand


Tel: +66-53-948097 ,948097

Fax: +66-53-948065 ,948015

Facebook : www.facebook.com/EREC.CMU

E-mail: asianelephantresearch@gmail.com

Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Centre for Asia Pacific

Our vision

Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP) is the knowledge and collaborative center for trading and safety of food originated from animals, animal diseases and cross border animal epidemics. VPHCAP is a self-dependent and international acknowledged organization.


  • To create the regional information center in food safety of food from animal origin the countries in Asia Pacific
  • To be the organization that manages the Master of Science course in Veterinary Pubic Health (International Program), or to manage the course or other post-courses in Veterinary Public Health
  • To be the center of courses training, extension servicing and researching in Veterinary Public Health
  • To seek the collaboration local, regional and country in order to develop the new body of knowledge in Veterinary Public Health, food safety of the international animal origin and trade that need skills and knowledge of disciplinary sciences
  • To develop and lead the capacity of human resource and center to the international standard

Contact Us

Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, 155 Moo.2, Mae Hia, Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand 50100

Tel: +66 5394 8073
Fax: +66 5394 8072
E-mail: vphcap@cmu.ac.th
Website: vphcap.vet.cmu.ac.th
Facebook: www.facebook.com/vphcap.cmu